Inquiry & Global Health

The World Affairs Council Workshop Series on Global Health is intended to support the Connecticut Social Studies Frameworks in middle-grades inquiry. If you have not yet read the Frameworks, you may find the PDF document here.

TeachUNICEF has leveled materials and units for teaching about global health issues. Consider that UNICEF deals with areas of conflict, so the regions covered will be areas that have experienced conflict. Consider, however, that areas of conflict are often in regions affected by climate changes or natural/humanitarian disasters.

Additional global health simulations for students may be found through this list of resources through the Asia Society.

Facing the Future is an organization based on the west coast, and they have several publications on global issues. Unfortunately, the printed materials, although relevant, are already out of date. However, there are some digital sources on their website that are more readily updated:  (be sure to check out the citations at the bottom!)  As part of the page, there is a Global Health Atlas through PBS that provides interactive content:

The World Affairs Challenge is for middle or high school teams, and the theme ties in perfectly with the the theme of this workshop:

Suggested Resources on Global Health for Educators
Compiled By Shyamala Raman

  1. RX for Survival: A Global Health Challenge for Teachers

  1. Teach UNICEF: Health

  1. Against the Odds: Health and Human Rights

  1. Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick?

  1. Global Envision: Lesson Plans on Health

  1. Lesson Plan for Facing History and Ourselves: Paul Farmer and Jeffrey Sachs

  1. Health and Global Development: Lesson Plan

  1. Education Modules: Consortium of Universities for Global Health

